
Using the Library

Now every class given in English & Spanish

On Demand Computer Classes

Reserve a free meeting room

Download/ Stream your favorite books & movies

By appointment only

By appointment only

Sharing between library systems/districts.

At any RPL location

Explore Reading Eagle through current and archived issues

Explore local history and genealogy at Main Library

Get answers 24/7

Links to Federal, State and Local tax forms

Public access to select U.S. Government documents

Explore our library of things

Create a Free Account, No Library Card needed.

Computers & Internet Access

Hotspot lending available at all RPL locations.

Free access to computers and the internet at all RPL Branch libraries

Free Wifi outside every RPL Branch building

Community Assistance

Check Out Telehealth at your Library.

English as a second language for non-native speakers.

Empowering our city’s seniors

Providing a range of services to city residents not able to visit the library

Taking a variety of technology to city residents & youth

at Southeast Branch