Mobile Tech Van Outreach

The Mobile Technology Van (MTV) takes library services on the road to provide outreach to residents not living within walking distance to one of our four locations. Our MTV team regularly visits community organizations such as Opportunity House, Family Promises, Mary’s Shelter, and Salvation Army, plus makes appearances at annual events like National Night Out, Reading Pride, First Fridays, and many more. Over the summer months the MTV team stops by many of Reading’s parks and SummerSTEAM@RPL delivers science and technology activities to remote locations within the City of Reading.
We are always happy to coordinate visits with new partners! Contact Main Library for inquiries.
Some of the resources offered by our MTV team:
- Free WiFi
- Laptop computers
- Job search assistance
- Resume classes
- Printing
- Library card sign-up
- RPL’s digital media collection
- Technology Assistance
- Guidance navigating our digital media apps
For inquiries about stopping by your organization, call our Reference Department at 610-655-6355.