1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Are you ready to start your kids off on the road to reading?
Join our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program!
Read any book to your newborn, infant, or toddler to work towards the goal of 1,000 books. Pick up a reading log at your local library (or download one here) and your child will earn stickers, coloring sheets, and lots of praise from librarians along their way to 1,000 books.
Once you and your child hit your goal, your little one will earn a t-shirt.
“The most important predictor of school success is being read to at home during early childhood,” the “1,000 Books Before Kindergarten” website states.
Children’s brains develop most rapidly during the first 1,000 days of life, well before they start any formal schooling. Reading to your little one before kindergarten helps build language skills, introduces your child to a broad range of subjects, and is an easy way to kick-off their love of learning.

Who has the time to read 1,000 books?
You do! Depending on how often you read, it breaks down to just a few books a week. If you read just 1 book a night, that’s 365 books in a year. You can accomplish 1,000 books in a year by just reading 20 picture books a week. You’ll be finished in no time, but the progress you made will last throughout the school year.
- Make a special time to read. Whether it’s at bedtime or after a busy morning, make reading a part of your daily routine with your child.
- Repeat. It’s okay if your child wants to read the same book over and over again. Read whatever interests your child.
- Read WITH your child not TO him. No one expects a little one to stay silent and sit still. Instead, engage with your child by pointing out pictures and colors, asking questions, and allowing him to play and talk with you.
Are you ready to read?
Download a log here and start reading today!